The brain is perhaps the most powerful organ in the body. It tells us what to do. Literally controls every single action we take. Movement, sleep, you name it but you would be amazed by just how much more there is to this powerful organ.

In recent times, scientists have discovered so much about the brain and dispelled certain myths or misconceptions people had.

So here are 4 scientific facts about the brain.

1. The brain actually only reaches full maturity when one turns twenty-five
Ever wondered why babies have big heads? Well, the reason for that is as easy as, it needs to be that big to facilitate the growth of the brain.

Very interesting that a two-year-old child has a brain that is about eighty percent of an adult’s and it is worth noting that it is only up to the time one turns twenty-five that their brain becomes fully mature. So yes, a teenager still has their brain growing.

That said, topplay parents are encouraged to let their children read out loud as this facilitates their brain development. They are also encouraged to talk loudly to their children, as weird as it may sound to enable the same.

Note also, that the brain of a child who is learning to play a musical instrument can develop to a further extent than that of a child who is not.

2. Sweating causes brain shrinkage, jet lag can damage it
When you sweat for about ninety minutes, your brain could actually shrink, but no worries, it’s only temporary. Sweating temporarily causes as much shrinkage as a year of aging does.

Jet lag on the other hand, when frequent, damages the temporal lobe. It releases stress hormones that can damage the brain altogether. Definitely not such great news to people who often travel a lot using planes but it really is a fact.

3. Alcohol never makes the brain forget anything
For those people who run to alcohol in the hope to forget certain things, there is some sad news for you. Alcohol never actually makes you forget a thing.

It is common practice for stressed or hurt people to turn to alcohol with the belief that it will take whatever caused the stress or hurt away from their minds but this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

It just makes your brain lose its ability to make memories temporarily when you black out. So that is why when you come to, everything comes back to you.

This does make people go back to the alcohol because it could turn off that part they would like to forget for just a while but it will just bring about addiction but no permanent solution.

4. It is actually impossible to multitask
Shocker right?

People, mostly women will always say they are multitasking but truth be told, they are usually just context switching.

In simple terms, that just means we are not always doing different tasks at the same time but more of, we are usually switching very quickly, back and forth between them. Apparently, multitasking would just increase your error rate by up to 50% and would see you take longer to accomplish the tasks you are working on.


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