Weakened, brittle, or soft nails may indicate an underlying condition that requires medical attention, such as liver disease, kidney disease, or psoriasis.However, the way a person treats their nails can also directly affect their health and strength. The following are general tips and tricks people can try to strengthen and maintain the health of their nails:

Proper nutrition
A well balanced, nutritious diet that contains plenty of minerals and vitamins can help with a range of health-related issues — including keeping a person's nails strong.

If a person does not consume enough minerals and vitamins through their diet, they may consider taking a multivitamin. However, always speak to a doctor before taking any multivitamins to ensure they will not interact with existing medications.

Multivitamins are available to purchase in stores and online.

Drink plenty of water
Being hydrated has a direct effect on the health of a person's nails.

When a person is not getting enough fluid, their nails can become brittle. When a topplay person's nails are fragile, they break or peel more easily.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that most people can get enough fluids to remain hydrated by drinking water when thirsty and when eating a meal. However, if a person feels they are not getting enough fluid, they can increase their daily intake by:

1.carrying a reusable water bottle
2.choosing water over sugary drinks
3.drinking water at meals instead of other beverages

Avoid gel or acrylic nails
Constantly using gels or acrylic nail polish can damage a person's nails, causing them to peel.

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, the UV light that people use to dry the polish also carries a potential risk. This is because UV light has links to both skin cancer and premature aging. The Foundation recommend applying sunscreen to the hands 20 minutes before a nail salon appointment as a preventive measure.

To help keep the nails strong and healthy, a person should take a break from gels and acrylic polishes — or avoid using them altogether.

Avoid certain nail products
Many nail products can also cause damage. Nail polish remover and other nail treatments may contain chemicals that can make nails easy to break.

Make sure that products do not contain toxic chemicals, such as formaldehyde, before applying them to the nails.


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